10 events found.
Quarterly Membership Meeting
Camp Christian 472 Killarney Road, Mill Run, PAQuarterly Membership Meeting
Camp Christian 472 Killarney Road, Mill Run, PAChristmas Banquets
Camp Christian 472 Killarney Road, Mill Run, PAChristmas Banquets
Camp Christian 472 Killarney Road, Mill Run, PAChristmas Banquets
Camp Christian 472 Killarney Road, Mill Run, PAFamily Day Camp (07/17/2020)
Camp Christian 472 Killarney Road, Mill Run, PAFamily Camp ~ a time where families can grow together and play together. Worship sessions ~ nursery & classes for younger children ~ free time for families to swim, hike or participate in any of the many activities camp has to offer ~ campfires ~ fellowship ~ great food ~ lots of fun!
Family Day Camp (07/24/2020)
Camp Christian 472 Killarney Road, Mill Run, PAFamily Camp ~ a time where families can grow together and play together. Worship sessions ~ nursery & classes for younger children ~ free time for families to swim, hike or participate in any of the many activities camp has to offer ~ campfires ~ fellowship ~ great food ~ lots of fun!